In the "Great Commission" of Matthew 28:19-20 Jesus priorities our purpose and mission in LIVING REAL LIFE. In His words, our full-out gospel WITNESS endeavour is to "make disciples" who are baptized and obedient to Christ.
This purpose is no less defined for our youth, but many struggle in fear and uncertainty about their faith. Our youth face many challenges on many fronts, but the highly manipulative and incessant influence of social media must be combatted with truth and sound Biblical teaching. Our youth must take up the shield of faith, in protection against those arrows of deceit that Paul describes in Ephesians 6:16.
The desired IMPACT of LIVING REAL LIFE is a humble confidence in Christ, and a profound understanding of our IDENTITY in Christ. The result being an exuberant and joyful proclamation of Christ, in word and deed, amongst their peers at school, co-workers on the job, and unsaved family at home, for a testimonial WITNESS of what LIVING REAL LIFE truly means.